About us
ACS Technology
Media about us
Scientific publications
This is a short article and a video showing the first effects of our work compared to last year
An article and a TV report about the start of work on the Pasternik Reservoir
A local article announcing work on the reservoir and plans for new infrastructure at the reservoir
Artykuł ze zdjęciami opisujący pierwsze zauważalne efekty naszej pracy jak powrót piasku do brzegów i klarowanie wody
A short report on work on the
Iłżanka reservoir
A detailed description of our activities and comparison of tank parameters one year after application
A short TV report on the start of work on the Ożanna reservoir in Kuryłówka
A short TV reportage about work on the Muchawka reservoir in Siedlce
Preparations for the opening of the swimming pool at the Kamienna Góra reservoir. Biological treatment of the reservoir has brought satisfactory results and, according to recent tests, the water meets purity standards.
A short TV report on the start of work on Lake Niskie Brodno in Brodnica
Report on the cleaning of the lake in Kozienice by ACS Poland